Monday, October 18, 2010

one bad apple don't spoil the whole bunch girl . .

i'm trying to finish a baby bonnet ... that in my mind is going to be simple and sweet and oh so beautiful .. and actually i've completed all the knitting and am down to binding off.  Sounds simple enough but .... i now am the master of more ways to bind off than i ever thought i'd be!  i spent much of saturday nite becoming incredibly acquainted with about 20 of the stitches on that little bonnet ... binding off ... ripping out .... searching through books and the internet and trying something new ... binding off ... ripping out ...

and then .. finally making up my own version!  ;)   lesson learned:  you can't quit just because it didn't work the 1st time!  or the 2nd .. or 3rd .. or even 4th!  With knitting, quitting is NOT an option (besides . . what WOULD i do with my stash .....)  i found this neat page at that offers some really neat recommendations to consider ... [most of which i tried] .. and have now included this in my Favorites for future reference - and inspiration. 

but now, it's monday morning and  ......

ever have one of "those" days when you just feel STUCK? at 5 in the morning, it's not the best of feelings to start the week . . . and yet, i'm sitting here ....

i've read my assigned "reading" for the morning and the verse that was suggested as well ..... but my eyes are drawn to 2 extra passages that keep tugging at my heart ...

Isa. 26:3-4
You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in You. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord, is the Rock eternal.
and then down to verse 9 ...
My soul yearns for You in the night; in the morning my spirit longs for You.

and so .... here i sit .. and find that THAT actually IS the perfect description ... all i can think of now is Him! His holiness, His omnipresence and omniscience (i did listen yesterday) . . His love for me, my desire to please Him, to follow after Him as He shepherds me through my day . . . the thought of perfect peace in the midst of a high school front desk? who knew! :)

ctually, i DO ... and am gently slipping into the whole armor of God so that on this monday i can find the rest He's promised in the green pastures of my day, so that i can literally hear the running ripples of the quiet water that flows beside me as i walk down the paths of righteousness that He has mapped out for me ...
be still ... and KNOW ... that I AM God.

(I would bust out in song .. but that would certainly put a damper on such a sweet spirit! :) ... however i do know that i have a song in my heart ... because my chains are gone, i've been set free, my God, my Savior has ransomed me ... and like a flood, His mercy reigns ... unending love, Amazing Grace! ... [feel free to hum along]

not sure which 'bind off' method He has prepared for me today - - but as long as i continue to focus on the Master Knitter of my life rather than the obstacles that could knot my day, i know that i will be the cashmere scarf He can wear proudly around His neck!

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