2010 Lace Calendar Scarf
Chronicle this year in Lace ......
A new pattern each month to commemorate the journey
You'll need size 8 needles, 2 skeins of Bernat Satin - Silk, 1 skein Bernat Satin - Camel.
optional: size H crochet hook
To begin the year, Cast On 35 stitches and knit 4 rows.
January: Snowflake Lace
Begin January’s journey with a Snowflake Lace pattern. Most of the country will have the privilege of finding snow on the ground many days this month. For us here in Alabama we actually DID have snow for almost one complete day…. Which was plenty. We ran out, bought up all the milk and bread and settled in for a long period of frozen knitting … the blizzard lasted all of 3 hours, was melted by mid afternoon … and the sleds remained in the shed for yet another opportunity!
Multiple of 8 + 7
1st & every other row (wrong side): Purl
2nd row (Right Side): K7, sl 1, k1, psso, yo, k1, yo, k2tog, *k3, s1, k1, psso, yo, k1, yo,
k2tog, rep from * to last 7 sts, k7.
4th row: k8, yo, sl 2, k1, p2sso, yo, *k5, yo, sl 2, k1, p2sso, yo, rep from * to last 8 sts, k8.
6th row: Repeat 2nd row.
8th row: K3, sl 1, k1, psso, yo, k1, yo, k2tog, *k3, sl 1, k1, psso, yo, k1, yo, k2tog, rep
from * to last 3 st, k3.
10th row: k4, yo, sl 2, k1, p2sso, yo, *k5, yo, sl 2, k1, p2sso, yo, rep from * to last 4 sts,
12th row: Repeat 8th row.
Knit Rows 1-12 two complete times.
Knit Rows 1-7 once.
"End of the Month Bonus" lace insert
** 1st row: Knit
** 2nd row: Purl
** 3rd row: Knit
** 4th row (WS): Knit
** 5th row: P2, *yo, p2tog, rep from *, end with P1.
** 6th row: Knit
** 7th row: Knit.
** 8th row: Purl
February is always associated with Love so why not commemorate this special time with a lace heart. Lots of Yarn Overs, Knit 2 together's and some Slip, Slip Knits .... you'll find there are plenty of opportunities to Increase, Decrease and provide breathing room, just as in any relationship, in order for Love to grow .... for hearts to be nurtured, with one act of kindness - one sincere "I'm sorry" - one enveloping and genuine Hug .... one stitch at a time, Love can bind our hearts with an unslipping knot!
2 and all even rows: Purl
3: K17, YO, SSK, K16,
5: K15, K2Tog, YO, K1-b, YO, SSK, K15.
7: K14, K2Tog, YO, K1-b, (YO, SSK)x2, K14
9: K13, (K2Tog, YO)x2, K1-b, (YO, SSK)x2, K13
11: K12, (K2Tog, YO)x2, K1-b, (YO, SSK)x3, K12
13: K11, (K2Tog, YO)x3, K1-b, (YO, SSK)x3, K11
15: K10, (K2Tog, YO)x3, K1-b, (YO, SSK)x4, K10
17: K9, (K2Tog, YO)x4, K1-b, (YO, SSK)x4, K9
19: K8, (K2Tog, YO)x4, K1-b, (YO, SSK)x5, K8
21: K7, (K2Tog, YO)x3, K1-b, YO, SSK, YO, SK2TP, YO, K2Tog, YO, K1-b, (YO, SSK)x3, K7
23: K6, (K2Tog, YO)x3, K1-b, YO, SSK, YO, SK2TP, YO, (K2Tog, YO)x2, K1-b, (YO, SSK)
x3, K6
25: K5, (K2Tog, YO)x3, K1-b, (YO, SSK)x2, YO, SK2TP, YO, (K2Tog, YO)x2, K1-b, (YO, SSK)
x3, K5
27: K6, (YO, K2Tog)x2, YO, SK2TP, YO, (SSK, YO)x2, K1-b, (YO, K2Tog)x2, YO, SK2TP,
YO, (SSK, YO)x2, K6
29: K5, (SSK, YO)x3, K1-b, (YO, K2Tog)x2, YO, SK2TP, YO, (SSK, YO)x2, K1-b, (YO, K2Tog)
x3, K5
31: K6, M1, YO, SSK, YO, D4, YO, K2Tog, YO, M1, K1, M1, YO, SSK, YO, D4, YO, K2Tog,
YO, M1, K6
33: K8, M1, YO, D4, YO, M1, K5, M1, YO, D4, YO, M1, K8
35: K10, Cluster 3, K9, Cluster 3, K10
36: Purl
(Extra Explanations for the February Lace Heart pattern)
Cluster 3 = Slip 3 stitches (purlwise) to right needle with yarn in back.
Pass yarn to the front. Slip the same 3 stitches from right needle to left needle.
Pass yarn to the back. Knit 3. (Give the yarn a good tug before knitting the 3 stitches)
D4 (Quadruple decrease: taking 5 stitches & reducing it down to 1 stitch) is done as follows:
1. SSK.
2. K3Tog (knit 3 stitches together).
3. Pass the SSK stitch (from step #1) over the K3Tog stitch (from step #2)
At this point, follow the "End of the Month Bonus" lace insert instructions (listed in January) to complete your February lace block. START at ROW 3 of the "End of the Month" pattern.
March: St. Patrick's Day lace
March is one of my favorites ... it's green! And while i don't believe in luck i have found memories of the clover that grew in my front yard as a child .. the bees that buzzed in those patches, those little white flowers that were scattered in the clumps of green, the time we spent making flower necklaces, and catching bees for safe keeping in Mom's glass jars..... So why not capture some of those precious memories in lace for this month.... You'll need to add a stitch to Row 1 by Making 1 stitch between the 1st 3 stitches required.
[To Make 1, do this:
Knit the 1st stitch as usual.
To make your new 2nd stitch knit into the back loop of the stitch
ON THE ROW BELOW (which now counts as the 2nd stitch on your Right
needle now, then you can proceed with the instructions contained
between the * * on Row 1 instructions.]
1: K2, *K1, K2tog, YO, K1, YO, SSK, K2* repeat to last 2 stitches, K2.
2: Purl
3: K2 , *K3 YO, SSK, K3*, repeat * * to last 2 stitches. K2.
4: Purl
5: Knit
6: Purl
8: Knit
9: Knit
10: Purl
11: K2, YO, SSK, K1, *K2, K2tog, YO, K1, YO, SSK, K1*, repeat * *
to last 7 stitches, end with K2, K2tog, YO, K3.
12: Purl
13: *K1, YO, SSK, K5*, repeat * * to last 4 stitches, end with K1, YO, SSK, K1
14: Purl
15: Knit
16: Purl
17: Purl
18: Knit
19: Knit
20: Purl
Repeat Rows 1 - 6.
Add the "End of the Month Bonus lace" insert with these changes:
1: Knit
2: Purl
3: Purl
4: K2, *YO, K2tog*, repeat * * to last 2 stitches, K2.5: Purl
6: Purl
7: Knit
8: Purl
April: Lily of the Valley
This year Easter was the 1st weekend of April and therefore lace and Easter HAD to compliment. What better way than to find a Lily of the Valley - it's one of my favorite old hymns and one of new favorite lace patterns! I found this pattern in one of my Christmas gifts this year - "Knitted Lace of Estonia" by Nancy Bush. I have adapted the 'nupps' that the original pattern calls for by replacing them with a 3 stitch Bobble. Directions for the Bobble are in the Key at the bottom of the page. Enjoy knitting - He is Risen Indeed!
Begin with 36 stitches on needle.
1: K7, YO, SKP, K4, SKP, YO, K1, YO, K5, K2tog, K4, YO, SKP, K7
2 and all even rows: Purl
3: K5, k2tog, YO, K1, YO, SKP, K3, SKP, K1, YO, K1, YO, K4, k2tog, K2, k2tog,
YO, K1, YO, SKP, K6
5: K4, k2tog, YO, k3, YO, SKP, K2, SKP, K1, Bobble, YO, K1, YO, K3,
k2tog, K1, k2tog, YO, K3, YO, SKP, K5
7: K5, k2tog, YO, K1, YO, SKP, K3, SKP, K2, Bobble, YO, K1, YO, K2,
k2tog, K2, k2tog, YO, K1, Yo, SKP, K6
9: K7, Bobble, K5, SKP, K3, Bobble, YO, K1, YO, K1, K2tog, K4, Bobble, K8
11: K6, Bobble, k1 Bobble, k4, SKP, k4, Bobble, YO, K1, YO, k2tog, k3, Bobble, K1,
Bobble, K7
13: Knit 7, Bobble, K 11, Bobble, K 7, Bobble, K 8.
15: K2, SKP, YO, K1, YO, K5, K2tog, K5, YO, SKP, K4, SKP, YO, K1, YO, K5, K2tog, K3.
17: K2, SKP, K1, YO, K1, YO, K4, k2tog, K3, k2tog, YO, K1, YO, SKP, K3, SKP, K1, YO, K1,
YO, K4, k2tog, K3.
19: K2, SKP, K1, Bobble, YO, K1, YO, K3, k2tog. K2, k2tog, YO, K3, YO, SKP, K2, SKP, K1,
Bobble, YO, K1, YO, K3, K2tog, K3
21: K2, SKP, K2, Bobble, Yo, K1, YO, K2, k2tog, K3, k2tog, YO, K1, YO, SKP, K3, SKP, K2,
Bobble, YO, K1, YO, K2, k2tog, K3.
23: K2, SKP, K3, Bobble, YO, K1, YO, K1, k2tog, K5, Bobble, K5, SKP, K3, Bobble, Yo,
K1, Yo, K1, k2tog, K3
24: Purl
25: K2, SKP, K4, Bobble, Yo,K1, YO, k2tog, K4, Bobble, K1, Bobble, K4, SKP, K4, Bobble,
YO, K1, YO, k2tog, K3
27: K8, Bobble, K8, Bobble, K11, Bobble, K6
28: Purl
add January's "End of the Month Bonus" lace insert
May: Leisel
Spring is officially here and everywhere I look things are turning green …. Plants are no longer simple buds, but are full blown blossoms bursting with colors and growth and fragrances that encourage me to sit outside on my porch swing and just take it all in while I’m knitting! I found an amazing lace pattern called “Leisel” on Ravelry …. And the leaves and vines that will grow from your needles will match all the wonder and glory that the Lord so graciously shares with us each and every day!
Once you’ve completed the January Bonus Lace pattern at the end of April’s pattern you’ll need to do a decrease so tha, May’s pattern will be worked with only 35, rather than 36 stitches:
Row A: Knit
Row B: Purl 2, P2tog, Purl to end of row. You should now have 35 stitches and are
ready to begin the Leisel pattern.
NOTE: s2kpo = slip 1 stitch knitwise, slip the next stitch knitwise, knit the next stitch, passed the 2 slipped stitches over, one at a time (this decrease will create a left slanting stitch - whereas the k2tog will create a right slanting stitch.)
1: K2, *K1, yo, K1, SSK, P1, k2tog, K1, yo, P1, SSK, P1, k2tog, yo, K1, yo*, repeat * * , K3.
2: K2, P1, *P4, K1, P1, K1, P3, K1, p4*, repeat * *, K2.
3: K2, *k1, yo, K, SSK, P1, k2tog, K1, P1, s2kpo, yo, K3, yo*, repeat * *, K3.
4: K2, P1, *P6, K1, P2, K1, P*, repeat * *, K2.
5: K2, *K1, yo, K1, yo, SSK, P1, k2tog, k2tog, yo, K5, yo*, repeat * *, K3.
6: K2, P1, *P7, K1, P1, K1, P*, repeat * *, K.
8: K2, P1, *P3, K1, P3, K1, P7*, repeat * *, K2.
9: K2, *K1, yo, K5, yo, SSK, K1, SSK, P1, k2tog, K1, yo*,
repeat * *, K3.
10: K2, P1, *P3, K1, P2, K1, P*, repeat * *, K2.
repeat * *, K3.
10: K2, P1, *P3, K1, P2, K1, P*, repeat * *, K2.
Add "End of the Month Bonus" lace insert to complete this section.
June: Wavey Lace Pattern
June is here and so summer officially begins! Trips to the beach …. Time at the lake, resting on the pier …. Naps in the hammock …. Porch swings or rockers and knitting in the shade ….. What better way to kick things off than with the waves that so gently roll up on the shore … lapping at our toes …. Just keep your yarn held high! ;)
Once you’ve added the ‘Bonus Lace’ at the end of the May pattern, Knit a row and on the return “purl” row, purl 33, M1 by purling into the stitch on the row below, then purl 2 additional stitches. You should now have 36 stitches.
1: (RS) K1, *p2, k6: rep from * to last 3 sts, p2, k1.
2: K3, *p6, k2: rep from * to end, k1.
3: K1, *p2, yo, k2, ssk, k2; rep from * to last 3 sts, p2, k1.
5: K1, *p2, K, yo, k2, ssk, K1; rep from * to last 3 sts, p2, k1.
7: K1, *p2, k2, yo, k2, ssk, rep from * to last 3 sts, p2, k1.
9: Rep Row 1.
11: K1, *p2, k2, k2tog, k2, yo; rep from * to last 2 sts, p2, k1.
13: K1, *p2, k1, k2tog, k2, yo, k1; rep from * to last 2 sts, p2, k1.
15: K1, *p2, k2tog, k2, yo, k2; rep from * to last 2 sts, p2, k1.
16: Repeat Row 2.
Repeat 1-8, and end with January's "End of Month Bonus" Lace Pattern
July: Fishtail Lace
Halfway through summer …. Great time to enjoy family and friends and fishin’ off the pier ….. cold, sliced watermelon …. Lawn chairs …. Lemonaide …. All those fun times of memories .. barbeques, cook outs …. Does it really get any better!
Multiple of 10 + 1
1 (RS) Knit
2: (and all WS rows) Purl
3: K3, *yo, k3, sl 1 k2tog, psso, k3, yo, k1, rep * K3
5: K3 *k1, yo, k2, sk2tp, k2, yo, k2* K3
7: K3 *k2, yo, k1, sk2tp, k1, yo, k3* K3
9: K3 *k3, yo, sk2tp, yo, k4* K3
10: Purl
Repeat Rows 3 – 10 two more times then head outside ….
Enjoy the summer! (but.... Why not start watching for yarn sales .... consider what this pattern would look like in sock weight yarn, knitted with size 5 needles.... Long and lacey ... and not a hard pattern to follow! Nice and portable for the rest of your summer sunning AND you'll be 1 gift ahead of the game come Christmas!
.. Who knew? Truly Christmas in July!
(Don’t forget to add the "End of Month Bonus" Lace pattern as listed at the end of the January pattern).
FYI – we’re half way through with the scarf
August: English Mesh
Dreaming of cooler days ... sitting in the middle of a succulent garden filled with fragant flowers and winding mazes of greenery, ivy climbing up the fence posts and gate, meandering across the grass ... ice cold class of tea sitting beside your knitting bag ... and all the solitude and serenity that comes from those quiet moments to just sit and knit and take it all in! (it's nice to have a dream .... )
mult of 6+ 1
1: K3, *yo, skp, k1, k2tog, yo, k1 * end with K3.
2 and all even rows (WS): Purl
3: K3, *yo, k1, sk2p, k1, yo, k1* end with K3.
5: K3, *k2tog, yo, k1, yo, skp, k1* end with K3.
7: K2, k2tog, *(k1, yo) twice, k1, sk2p,* to last 8 sts, (K1, yo) twice, k1, ssk, K3.
8: Purl
Work pattern 3 times, then purl back before adding the "End of the Month Bonus" lace pattern w/ the changes included at the end of MARCH rather than January. Also note, omit Row 8 (purl row in the Bonus Lace pattern) because we will begin September with a Purl Row.
September: Subway Lace
Something about September ... the pace of life seems to pick up .... once Labor Day comes and goes, we jump right in- to football, school, carpool, getting ready for the holidays already .... yikes! If you've ever been underground and rode on a subway you understand this hustle and bustle, stop and go, hurry up and wait mentality .... however, there are times in the subway when you may also discover some really unusual art, or beautiful tile work on the walls or some incredibly "unique" people down there waiting (and don't stare! your moma said that wasn't nice to do!) .... regardless of what the subway holds, i'm hoping this little pattern will be a gentle "ease" into the fall season .... and keep us mindful of stopping and enjoying EVERY moment we're given!
Mult 10 + 4
1 (and all WS rows): Purl
2: K5, *yo, SKP, k1, (k2tog, yo) twice, k3: rep from *, end w/ K1
4: K1, *k3, (yo, SKP) twice, k1, k2tog, yo; rep from *, end K5
6: K3, *(yo, SKP) 3 times, k4; rep from * to last 3 stitches, end w/ yo, SKP, k1
8: K2, *(yo, SKP) 4 times, k2; rep from * to last 4 stitches, end w/ yo, SKP, k2
10: Repeat Row 6
12: Repeat Row 4
14: Repeat Row 2
16: K1, k2tog, yo, *k4, *(k2tog, yo,) 3 times; rep from *, end w/ K3.
18: K2, k2tog, yo, *k2 *(k2tog, yo) 4 times; rep from *, end w/ K2.
20: Repeat row 16
Knit Rows 1-20 and then repeat Rows 1-4 for this particular scarf – otherwise 1-20 is a completed section.
Attach the "End of the Month Bonus" Lace Section from January, starting with Row 3. On Row 5, end the row with a Purl 2tog (because we added a stitch to our count back in March)
October: Fern lace
It's officially Fall now ... and hopefully the leaves are beginning to turn ... to let go just a bit and the process of raking the leaves, creating those piles to jump into and watches the little ones squeal makes for some fond memories. i love the undulating lines of this pattern and can see it repeated many times over as gifts for friends this season!
Mult. of 10 + 4
1: K3, k2tog, k1, *k2, yo, k1, yo, k3, sl 2 knitwise k1
p2sso, k1; rep from *, end last 4 stitches with SKP, k2.
2 and all WS rows: Purl
3: K2, k2tog, k2, *(k1, yo) twice, k3, sl 2knitwise k1 psso,
k2; rep from *, end last 5 stitches with SKP, k3.
5: K1, k2tog, k3, *yo, k1, yo, k3, sl 2 knitwise, k1, p2sso,
k3; rep from *, end last 6 stitches with SKP, k4.
7: Rep row 3
9: Rep row 1
11: K4, k2tog *k3, yo, k1, yo, k3, sl 2 knitwise k1 p2sso; rep from *, end last 3 stitches
with SKP, k1.
12: Purl
Don't forget to add the End of the Month Bonus Lace - Begin with Row 3 of January Bonus Lace pattern.
November: Candlelight Lace
Thanksgiving is one of my all time favorite times of the year! I love ALL the smells of this season ... from the turkey roasting in the wee hours of the morning, to the fragant and sweet desserts that come out of the oven. I love the candles that we light around our home to create a soft glow of warmth and welcome .. and it's no different in this lace pattern .... once blocked it will lend itself to catching the eye of the beholder and getting lost in the details of each pattern .... only YOU know that it's much easier than it would appear! truly a sign of a good knitter .... and hostess! Praying God's richest blessings for you and your family this season!
Mult of 10 + 1
1: (RS) K3 *k3, k2tog, yo, k1, yo, skp, k2, rep
from * to last 3 st, k3.
2 and all WS rows: Purl
3: K3 *K2, k2tog, (k1, yo) twice, k1, skp, k1, rep from * to last 3 sts, k3.
5: K3 *k1, k2tog, k2, yo, k1, yo, k2, skp, rep form * to last 3 sts, k3.
7: K3, k2tog, k3, yo, k1, yo, k3, *sk2p, k3, yo, k1, yo, k3, rep from * to last 4 sts, skp , k2.
9: K3 *k1, yo, skp, k5, k2tog, yo, rep from * to last 3 sts, k3.
10: Purl
Repeat Rows 1-10 two additional times and then add the March Bonus Lace pattern beginning with Row 3 – 8. Just one more month and we’ll be through!
December: Fir Cone
It's Christmas Day ... in Alabama ... and IT IS SNOWING! Just as we began this year with a single day of snow, it would appear that we will end with the same sweet signs of freshness .... i don't honestly remember in all my years of sitting and knitting, of EVER having a white Christmas ... but what a beautiful sight of simplicity .. the lessons learned in teamwork .. all those solo snow flakes drifting down to gently blanket the ground with a single layer of powder .... so cold and yet so soft, so quiet that the silence is almost deafening .... the trees are dusted and yet there are whispers of green poking through ... and the fir cones just seem appropriate to capture the close of 2010.
(mult. of 10 + 1)
[Row 8 of the Bonus Lace at the end of the November pattern
will serve as Row 1 of the Fir Cone pattern]
1 and all odd numbers: (WS) Purl
2, 4, 6, 8: K3, *yo, K3, sl 1, k2tog, psso, k3, yo, k1: rep from *, end K3.
10, 12, 14, 16: K2, k2tog, *k3, yo, k1, yo, k3, sl 1 k2tog, psso; rep from *, end k3, yo, k1, yo, k3, ssk, K3.
Repeat Rows 1-16 one more time.
End by knitting 3 rows. (at some point in these 3 rows you will need to do a k2tog so that ulitmately you end up with 35 stitches again). Bind Off.
At this point you are ready to block your scarf and wear it , OR ...
grab your crochet hook (size H to compliment the Size 8 knitting needles) and the yarn you chose for your edging and work a Single Crochet around all four sides and the following edging trim at either end:
Row 1: Starting at the 1st edge stitch of our January pattern, work a single crochet in each stitch down the side. When you reach the short, bottom edge continue working in single crochet but do NOT turn the corner and head back up just yet. Once you have worked a single crochet in each of the 35 beginning stitches, chain 1 and turn.
Row 2: SC in ech of the 1st 4 sc. *Chain 9, skip 3 sc, sc in each of the next 5 sc. Rep from * 4 times total, however on the last rep, work only 1 sc in each of the last 4 sc. ch 1, turn.
Row 3: 1 sc in each of the first 3 sc, *ch 5,1 sc around the ch-9 loop, ch 5, skip
1 sc in the middle of the 5 sc. Rep from * a total of 4 times. End with sc in last 3 sc. Chain 1, turn.
Row 4: 1 sc in each of the first 2 sc, *ch 5,1 sc in the sc around the loop, ch 5, 1 sc in next sc of the middle 5 sc. Rep from * a total of 4 times. End with sc in last 2 sc. Chain 1, turn.
Row 5: 1 sc in first sc, *ch 5, make a triple double loop in the next st [located at the bottom of the chain 9 loop] (1 sl st in next sc, [ch 7, 1 sl st] 3 times in the same sc as for first sl st), ch 5, 1 sc in next sc. Rep from * 4 times total. End with sc in last sc. Do not turn, slip stitch through the edging until your reach the long edge of the scarf and continue with sc along the long side of the scarf (1 sc for each row along the lace edging), then work lace edging on other short edge of scarf. Finish with sc along the other long side of scarf. Slip stitch to join beginning and ending together. Fasten off and weave in tails.
Happy 2010!
October: Fern lace
It's officially Fall now ... and hopefully the leaves are beginning to turn ... to let go just a bit and the process of raking the leaves, creating those piles to jump into and watches the little ones squeal makes for some fond memories. i love the undulating lines of this pattern and can see it repeated many times over as gifts for friends this season!
Mult. of 10 + 4
1: K3, k2tog, k1, *k2, yo, k1, yo, k3, sl 2 knitwise k1
p2sso, k1; rep from *, end last 4 stitches with SKP, k2.
2 and all WS rows: Purl
3: K2, k2tog, k2, *(k1, yo) twice, k3, sl 2knitwise k1 psso,
k2; rep from *, end last 5 stitches with SKP, k3.
5: K1, k2tog, k3, *yo, k1, yo, k3, sl 2 knitwise, k1, p2sso,
k3; rep from *, end last 6 stitches with SKP, k4.
7: Rep row 3
9: Rep row 1
11: K4, k2tog *k3, yo, k1, yo, k3, sl 2 knitwise k1 p2sso; rep from *, end last 3 stitches
with SKP, k1.
12: Purl
Don't forget to add the End of the Month Bonus Lace - Begin with Row 3 of January Bonus Lace pattern.
Thanksgiving is one of my all time favorite times of the year! I love ALL the smells of this season ... from the turkey roasting in the wee hours of the morning, to the fragant and sweet desserts that come out of the oven. I love the candles that we light around our home to create a soft glow of warmth and welcome .. and it's no different in this lace pattern .... once blocked it will lend itself to catching the eye of the beholder and getting lost in the details of each pattern .... only YOU know that it's much easier than it would appear! truly a sign of a good knitter .... and hostess! Praying God's richest blessings for you and your family this season!
Mult of 10 + 1
1: (RS) K3 *k3, k2tog, yo, k1, yo, skp, k2, rep
from * to last 3 st, k3.
2 and all WS rows: Purl
3: K3 *K2, k2tog, (k1, yo) twice, k1, skp, k1, rep from * to last 3 sts, k3.
5: K3 *k1, k2tog, k2, yo, k1, yo, k2, skp, rep form * to last 3 sts, k3.
7: K3, k2tog, k3, yo, k1, yo, k3, *sk2p, k3, yo, k1, yo, k3, rep from * to last 4 sts, skp , k2.
9: K3 *k1, yo, skp, k5, k2tog, yo, rep from * to last 3 sts, k3.
10: Purl
Repeat Rows 1-10 two additional times and then add the March Bonus Lace pattern beginning with Row 3 – 8. Just one more month and we’ll be through!
December: Fir Cone
It's Christmas Day ... in Alabama ... and IT IS SNOWING! Just as we began this year with a single day of snow, it would appear that we will end with the same sweet signs of freshness .... i don't honestly remember in all my years of sitting and knitting, of EVER having a white Christmas ... but what a beautiful sight of simplicity .. the lessons learned in teamwork .. all those solo snow flakes drifting down to gently blanket the ground with a single layer of powder .... so cold and yet so soft, so quiet that the silence is almost deafening .... the trees are dusted and yet there are whispers of green poking through ... and the fir cones just seem appropriate to capture the close of 2010.
(mult. of 10 + 1)
[Row 8 of the Bonus Lace at the end of the November pattern
will serve as Row 1 of the Fir Cone pattern]
1 and all odd numbers: (WS) Purl
2, 4, 6, 8: K3, *yo, K3, sl 1, k2tog, psso, k3, yo, k1: rep from *, end K3.
10, 12, 14, 16: K2, k2tog, *k3, yo, k1, yo, k3, sl 1 k2tog, psso; rep from *, end k3, yo, k1, yo, k3, ssk, K3.
Repeat Rows 1-16 one more time.
End by knitting 3 rows. (at some point in these 3 rows you will need to do a k2tog so that ulitmately you end up with 35 stitches again). Bind Off.
At this point you are ready to block your scarf and wear it , OR ...
grab your crochet hook (size H to compliment the Size 8 knitting needles) and the yarn you chose for your edging and work a Single Crochet around all four sides and the following edging trim at either end:
Row 1: Starting at the 1st edge stitch of our January pattern, work a single crochet in each stitch down the side. When you reach the short, bottom edge continue working in single crochet but do NOT turn the corner and head back up just yet. Once you have worked a single crochet in each of the 35 beginning stitches, chain 1 and turn.
Row 2: SC in ech of the 1st 4 sc. *Chain 9, skip 3 sc, sc in each of the next 5 sc. Rep from * 4 times total, however on the last rep, work only 1 sc in each of the last 4 sc. ch 1, turn.
Row 3: 1 sc in each of the first 3 sc, *ch 5,1 sc around the ch-9 loop, ch 5, skip
1 sc in the middle of the 5 sc. Rep from * a total of 4 times. End with sc in last 3 sc. Chain 1, turn.
Row 4: 1 sc in each of the first 2 sc, *ch 5,1 sc in the sc around the loop, ch 5, 1 sc in next sc of the middle 5 sc. Rep from * a total of 4 times. End with sc in last 2 sc. Chain 1, turn.
Row 5: 1 sc in first sc, *ch 5, make a triple double loop in the next st [located at the bottom of the chain 9 loop] (1 sl st in next sc, [ch 7, 1 sl st] 3 times in the same sc as for first sl st), ch 5, 1 sc in next sc. Rep from * 4 times total. End with sc in last sc. Do not turn, slip stitch through the edging until your reach the long edge of the scarf and continue with sc along the long side of the scarf (1 sc for each row along the lace edging), then work lace edging on other short edge of scarf. Finish with sc along the other long side of scarf. Slip stitch to join beginning and ending together. Fasten off and weave in tails.
Happy 2010!
RS - Right Side
WS - Wrong Side
Sl - Slip stitch off needle as if you were going to knit it
Psso - Pass Slipped Stitch(es) Over
YO - Yarn Over
K2tog - Knit 2 stitches together
M1 - Make 1 stitch by 1st: knitting through the back of the loop of the stitch on the row
BELOW (1st new stitch) and then knitting the next stitch as it appears on the left
needle. (2nd stitch)
K1-b - Knit 1 stitch through the back loop (rather than the front)
SK2TP - Slip 1 stitch knitwise, Knit 2 stitches together, Pass Slipped Stitch over
S2KPO - Slip 1 stitch knitwise, slip next stitch knitwise, Knit next stitch, Pass the 2 slipped
stitches over.
Bobble - Knit into the front, the back and the front again of the next stitch. Turn and purl
these 3 stitches only. Turn and knit 2 together, knit 1, pass k2tog OVER Knit 1
so that there is 1 loop remaining. Continue knitting in pattern.
SC - Single Crochet
SC - Single Crochet
January Pattern - Snowflakes 1, Lace & Eyelets, Erika Knight
End of the Month Bonus Lace Pattern - adaptation of Diamond & Eyelet Pattern, Lace & Eyelets, Erika Knight.
February Pattern - adaptation of Heart Lace Cloth - http://smariek.blogspot.com
March Pattern - adaption of Clover Pattern, Lace Eyelets, Erika KnightApril Pattern - adaption of Lily of the Valley, Knitted Lace of Estonia, Nancy Bush.
May Pattern - Leisel, by May Joy Guymayagay - http://yummyyarn.indus3ous.com/patterns -
June Pattern - Wavy Lace, adapted from Seaweed Cardigan, Interweave Knits, Spring 2010
July Pattern - Fishtale Lace, adapted from The Knitter’s Handbook, Eleanor Van Zandt
August Pattern - English Mesh, adapted from The Knitter's Handbook, Eleanor Van Zandt
September Pattern - Subway Lace, Vogue Pattern a Day Calendar, July 30, 2010
October Pattern - Fern Lace, Vogue Stitch a Day Calendar, July 25, 201
November Pattern - Candlelight Lace, Super Stitches Knitting, Karen Hemingway
December Pattern - Fir Cone, A Tresury of Knitting Patterns, Barbara Walker, p. 207.
Crochet Edging - adaptation of design by Lene Holme Samsøe, Originally published in Feminine Knits (Interweave, 2009) & Interweave Knits, Summer 2009
November Pattern - Candlelight Lace, Super Stitches Knitting, Karen Hemingway
December Pattern - Fir Cone, A Tresury of Knitting Patterns, Barbara Walker, p. 207.
Crochet Edging - adaptation of design by Lene Holme Samsøe, Originally published in Feminine Knits (Interweave, 2009) & Interweave Knits, Summer 2009