Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Riding the Cable Car

 Are you ready to be brave ... adventurous .... check off something ELSE on your knitting bucket list?  We're going to roll our sleeves up and actually WORK a Cable Stitch!  Not a "mock" cable or a "slip stitch" cable (although i just found some new patterns that i'll be sharing latter in the month for your consideration and attempts as well!) ....

Grab a lighter colored solid yarn so that you can see all the interesting definition that's about to POP out in front of you and appropriately sized needles ... you'll also need a cable needle to help in this process.  Now, before you close up shop right here and now because you may not have an 'official' cable needle let's think this through:  do you have a double pointed needle that you've never used?  THAT would work just fine!  What about a Popsicle Stick or a Corndog stick from the kids craft box or lunch?  Hang on to it!  When's the last time you had Chinese for dinner .. where's the Chop Stick!  Once again ... that will be Perfect for starters!  (the 1st time i tried my hand at cables i was visiting at my mom's house and grabbed a straw .. and it worked just fine for me to learn!)  so basically ... no excuses!  Ready?  and if you get really brave, there are great examples on line on how to knit withOUT a cable needle .... i'm not that brave yet!

With yarn and needle in hand, cast on 14 stitches and knit as follows:

Rows 1 and  3 (WS):  K4, P6, K4
Row 2 - (RS):  P4, K6, P4
Row 4 - P4, sl next 3 sts to CN and hold in back, K3, then K3 from CN, P4.


okay, okay , okay- - don't panic .... here's Row 4 in simple, easy, step by step language . . .

1st:  Purl 4 .... Got it!

2nd:  SLIP [simply transfer/slide them over] the next 3 stitches on your left needle onto your Cable Needle (CN) and let them lay BEHIND your knitting ... just let them flop and rest in the back for a quick minute.

3rd:  Knit the NEXT 3 stitches on your left needle.  This will require a slight stretch as you pull the yarn from the 1st 4 purl stitches over to meet and close up the gap between them and these new knit stitches.

4th:  NOW pick up your Cable Needle (CN) and knit THOSE 3 stitches that were just hanging out ... yes, it feels a bit awkward but remember to keep a consistent tension with your stitches AND your shoulders as you work through this motion ....  

5th:  Do you see the "twist" in your stitches?  You DID it!!!!  Congrats ... now, Set you Cable Needle off to the side for a minute while you finish the row .. just don't forget where you put it . .

6th:  Purl 4.

TaDAH!!!!!  You've done one complete set!  Basically it's time to follow the label ... Lather, Rinse, Repeat!

Cables can be as simple or complex as you choose to make them .....  and depending on whether you lay your cable needle to the Front or to the Back is what determines which way the cable will twist.  Also, the purl stitches that precede and follow the cable band allow those knit stitches to POP right up off the fabric!  Honestly, one of the hardest parts of cabling is keeping track of which row you're on because you really only have to "twist" on occasional rows .... it's important to keep track of your progress so you don't knit too far before inserting your next "cabled" row . .   (listen to the voice of experience on this one!  :)    )

i really LOVE the detail and interest of a cable .... they are rather simple in construction and yet can have the appearance of meticulous complexity . . the weaving in and out so very closely mirrors the everyday walk of life .... the ebb and flow of relationships, the coming and going of details that are sprinkled along the way, the background events that seem to highlight the high points and joys, the unexpected twists and turns that each of us encounter, and Yet, there  is a Constant that remains for me, regardless of the current snapshot of the moment:  The Love of God, in all the various forms and shapes.  His love flows so freely within every circumstance, regardless of whether i choose to acknowledge it or not.  He promised to never leave me or forsake me ... and such commitment can be evidenced when i spend the time to inspect my journey ... when i verbally and willfully acknowledge and submit to His leadership, when i boldly walk right past Him in defiance and yet His Love continues to hold on to me rather than let me go.  His willingness and patience, His perseverance that is motivated, not by anything that He would gain from me, but simply because He knows what would be in my best interest.

My soul will be satisfied as with fat and rich food,
and my mouth will praise You with joyful lips,
when I remember You upon my bed,
and meditate on You in the watches of the night;
for You have been my help,
and in the shadow of Your wings I will sing for joy.
My soul clings to You;
Your right hand upholds me.
Ps. 63

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