Wednesday, December 15, 2010

on the 11th day of Christmas . . .

my True Love gave to me
11 Pipers Piping

11 ... not 12, but 11 pipers that piped the music and message of a Savior that they knew, up close and personal.  The tune that had been implanted deep within their heart .... a melody that would keep them company on the long walks between the villages, on those lonely nights when others questioned their calling yet they knew in their heart of hearts that Jesus WAS who He said ....

Can you name the original 12  11  - - (Judas isn't counted according to this particular song!) ....

Simon Peter and his brother Andrew,
James son of Zebedee, and his brother John,
Philip and Bartholomew,Thomas and Matthew the tax collector,James son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus,
Simon the Zealot [and Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Him]

Men who knew first hand what Jesus' voice sounded like, what things made Him laugh, what things brought Him to tears of compassion or of sorrow.  Men who ate dinner with Him, shared lenghthy journeys and boat rides,  who sat under His leadership and teaching.  Men who experienced a true career change ... and were never the same.  Men who were commanded to be fishers of men, to cast a net that would serve as a Hope and Anchor for those who surrendered to the capture and relinquishment of their own lives in order to find Light and Life through following Jesus Christ. These men KNEW Jesus, and their testimonies were simply a continuation of His final instructions to them ... to Go and Make Disciples.

Have you ever seen your knitting as a venue that God can use to make disciples?  An opportunity to share with someone what your faith in Christ means .. and could mean to them as well?  Or, do you realize that with the gift of your knitting you could say Thank You to someone who is in the ministry, whether by vocation (your church) or simply by daily obedience as they work along side you each day at your desk . .   Isa. 52:7 says "How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, "Your God reigns!"  What better way to express your appreciation this Christmas season than with the gift of some warm and wooly slippers  for those 'beautiful feet' that have worked so diligently this year?

In Matthew 28:19 Jesus commanded us to "Go and make disciples".   Well, you and i both know you can't "GO" without a great little purse to hold all phone and debit card and keys and Dr. Pepper Chapstick and your New Testament while you are "GOing" .... so why not say thanks to those you know that GO with a cute little felted tote, just right for tootling around town.  Or for the young at heart, what about this little carry bag that would work up so quick and be so cute when those sweet feet are out sharing the Good News of Christmas.

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