What DOES a friend look like? Ever thought of how you would define yourself using a Skein of Yarn? This month i've started my Birthday Blanket AND received my traveling scarf. Both examples of friendship have left me with much to ponder ..... my birthday blanket has been started and i have a basket full of yarn still waiting to be knit. With each row or 2 that is added i'm reminded of the friend that took the time to find the yarn - their choice of color/texture, the memories that each relationship brings to mind, the many ways their love has impacted my life and that of my family!
I started by laying all the yarns out and arranging them in a way that makes me smile - it may not be the most conventional according to the color wheel, but i think it's going to be a precious keepsake to mark and remind me of the blessings of my 1st 50 years! :) I left a 9" tail (for fringe) and cast on 300 stitches and then cut another 9" tail (for fringe). I am KNITTING every single row using this formula - 3 rows of green (me), 2 rows of red bamboo (rachael's choice), 1 row of black Whirligig (Lisa), etc. Rather than just knit a single row with each color i am varying the width of each band of color. Some will be thick, some will be single rows but all rows are knitted and go rather quickly. So far i've got 10" knitted in the width .... and still can't wait to see how it's going to end ..
and as if THAT were not enough to keep me going, i received my traveling scarf that was started 6 months ago and has had a journey and life all it's own! There was a group of knitters formed on Ravelry that worked on a Traveling Lace Scarf .... 5" of a lace pattern added to the previous contributor and before long (ie, 6 months) you have a beautiful lace scarf that will mark adventures from around the world - Australia, Canada, New Jersey, California, Nevada, South Carolina. What a fun project and way to make NEW friends ... or an inspiration for a reunion with some old friends who need to be reconnected! All types of yarns were used - bamboo silk, wool blends, camel/silk hand spun .... log into Ravelry and check out the many posts and pictures .... not a member yet? Check out http://www.ravelry.com/ and see how easy it is to find inspiration!
This month i have learned that knitting is a gift that keeps surprising you .... making things with my hands continues to enrich my life just like the unexplainable ways that my friends touch my every day. My friends, and my knitting, have given me so much MORE than they've taken .. and have opened my eyes to the many blessings that i may have never known. Each day ... and each new yarn ... hold endless possibilities just waiting to be knit together!
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