Wednesday, December 23, 2009

the ANY time gift!

Originally uploaded by KeepingKnitSimple50
There is an alarming statistic, recently posted, that revealed that there are still people in this world who do NOT know how to knit! i can't even fathom what their life must be like .... not able to enjoy the trips to the local yarn shop, the shear pleasure in finding yet another place to stash their yarn, the heartfelt joy of being able to share a knitted gift with family and friends! Bless their hearts! I really feel compelled right now to just stop and pray for them! That God would be merciful and send someone their way - to open their eyes to the hobby that He, Himself created when He knit you and I together in our mother's womb .......

Rather than stress over the fact that you don't have a knitted gift for this friend on your list, why not seek out this wandering soul and invite them over for a CAPpucino party?

Adopt a missionary mindset: Begin with a large, festive mug, fill with a fluffy skein of yarn in your friend's favorite color and then top with a pair of needles appropriate for a hat. Attach a gift card that has an invitation to teach them HOW to knit and then explain to them that before they leave your time together they will have all the skills necessary to make their very own stocking CAP!

Of course, it wouldn't hurt to share some cookies to go along with the coffee ... but if time won't permit such entertaining at home, then why not agree to meet for coffee while out and about .... nothing wrong with stopping in the midst of the day and sharing time with a friend ... and to be able to teach such a lifelesson and offer them a new sense of direction ... what a friend!

need more justification: why not consider this the best New Year's Resolution and/or Diet plan around! Avoid holiday treats and extra pounds by WALKING through the stores in search of the PERFECT yarn ... a) that counts as exercise .... b) yarn won't spike your blood sugar c) there are no calories in wool! d) drinking water while knitting/shopping will keep you hydrated, keep your hands busy so as not to eat those unnecessary treats and voila! -- the pounds will fall off of you and into your knitting stash!

what a GREAT friend you are!

Merry Christmas .... now go find that lost friend and give the gift that keeps on giving! PS: it's always nice to have a friend to find a sale with!

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