we have a new-to-me store called 2nd and Charles ... it is a subsidiary of Books A Million .. and is basically a resale shop for all SORTS of books! Every category imaginable ... they got it! INCLUDING KNITTING BOOKS!!!!!!
the adage of "one man's trash is another man's treasure" holds even truer in a store like this .... books and titles that have long since been discarded or updated or simply tossed aside, have been reclaimed and are being resold for a minimal price. For instance, my "critter" book that i'm knitting my fun hats out of .. retails for $20, but i purchased it for $6.78.
i LOVE the idea of finding a new home for these books ..... some of them are great "trendy" editions, while others will serve as reference material for YEARS to come. Seeing that potential is what makes them such great finds .. and it also reminds me that i TOO am one of the "redeemed and reclaimed" volumes in the library of the Lord Jesus Christ!
i should have long since been discarded and set aside .... sins of my past, mistakes of today .... poor choices in the tomorrows yet to come .... certainly have 'qualified' me for the trash pile, one that should have been tossed aside for a newer, better, prettier, skinnier, younger, taller, smarter, richer, etc., etc., etc. model. and YET, Christ sees past my 'excuses' and is willing to 'reclaim' me ... recognizing the potential and worth i have as a redeemed daughter .. a child of the King ... an heir to His throne ....
and because of His great love and belief in me, He chose to pay FULL price for me .. not a discount, no coupon, no buy one get one free! He paid for me with His very life! Redeemed - - Reclaimed! Recipient of eternity, Renewed by a continual love that compels Him to forever find the best in me - despite all the reasons that He shouldn't! Removed are any excuses that i can offer; i now find myself Resting in His redemptive and reassuring love .... valued and treasured as that edition He's been in search of and finally found in order to complete His series! What a precious point to ponder!
Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.
1 Cor. 6:19-20
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