i'm pleased to report that when you do the pattern correctly it really WILL work! Decreases occur and before you know it, you've got a wonderful little snugly bunny towel falling ever so softly into your lap as you knit! in fact, i have managed to 'right the wrong' enough that i am working on the hat portion of the towel and hope to complete it this evening after Maundy Thursday service tonight ... and then two sweet little floppy ears and life will be so very good again!
my refusal to admit that i might be wrong (not that 208 yards could actually be an indication, or anything like that!) can be just another 'kinder' way of saying i'm rather stubborn! but the flip side is this: my 'ability' to be stubborn could be viewed - in a twisted sort of way - as one of the unique characteristics of God that makes me similar to Him! Goldfish aren't stubborn, they just swim in circles all day - and night! Dogs and cats don't have have the ability to hold jobs or buy homes with mortgages! when's the last time you saw a horse in the grocery store debating over the benefits of organic versus store brand? i realize that God made animals, and plants and all of creation, but He determined to make man in His image ... a small, tiny version of Himself, in so many ways .... until it comes to that part of me that thinks i know MORE than Him!
how i pray, as i rewind the knitting of the week, that i will grow to be more Christlike in my mindset ... that my stubbornness will be channeled into a positive - i will grow more determined to walk like Him! i will be more sensitive to the sins that break His heart! i will be gentler in the face of harshness from others! i will be passionate in my prayer time, listening MORE and talking less! i will be resolute in my commitment to die to myself and LIVE for Him!
He did ... for me!
Since ancient times no one has heard,
no ear has perceived,
no eye has seen any God besides you,
Who acts on behalf of those who wait for Him.
Isa. 64:4
I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master's business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.
John 15:15
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