and then, when the 'Recession' hit, the management team of Lion Brand Yarn decided that it would be in every one's best interest to open their Pattern Drawer up ... to EVERYONE .... for FREE! And not just stop there, but to CONTINUE adding new patterns, new designers and introducing new yarn lines that keep things interesting and FAR from home made! Lion Brand Yarn has become one of my favorite go-to sites because there are great tutorials, amazing stitch references so that i don't have to always tote a stitch dictionary/reference book along in my knitting bag, fun little cartoons about Lola - the old lady knitter, good pictures and plenty of good "extras", like the ability to "SAVE" your favorites and create you own little "notebook" - complete with notes about each individual project that you are saving or working on.
Lion Brand Yarns started in 1878 as a family owned business and is in their 5th generation of ownership. This family has dedicated themselves to keeping their yarns current and relevant to today's knitter ... the range of yarn from cotton to cashmere, from wool to wool-ease, provides each of us with something to work on at an accessable price. Most area craft stores carry their yarns and their on-line support and pricing makes it an affordable option as well. In the past few years they have taken the Knitting Fever to a new level and have a very Progressive Store located in the middle of New York City. This store rivals any of the boutique shops that dot the sidewalks there, and has allowed many "Average" knitters [as most people seem to define their knitting skills] to gain new insights as to what is really Out There for them to knit with. I LOVE it when you find yourself bombarded with choices .... with colors and textures that almost take your breath away .... and then find yourselves enveloped in the sensory overload and swept away by the pattern options that compliment all the choices! You walk out of the store conVINCED that you CAN do whatever project you just surrendered to! Their staff is very encouraging and committed to teaching the youngest little hands to start a project ... to aid the older hands with returning to the skills they started many years before ... to find something for everyone .....
It's always fun to reminisce (yet another sign of "maturity") about the good ol' days, when you first learned to knit .... or you remember when you completed your first BIG project ..... you flip through journals and photo albums that highlight the gifts you've knitted and shared with others ..... looking back is often a great catalyst for those days when we hit the bumps in the road ... the knots in the yarn .... the patterns that don't seem so clear! (time to Frog!) .... Isaiah 12:2-6 reminds me so eloquently -
Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid. The Lord, the Lord, is my strength and my song. Give thanks to the Lord, call on His name; make known among the nations what He has done, and proclaim that His name is exactly. Sing to the Lord, for He has done glorious things; let this be known to all the world. Shout aloud and sing for joy, for great is the Holy One of Israel among you.
looking back on all that God has done for me . . Remembering When . . . encourages me to Press On .... or to just sit and knit and wait for Him ..... His History has proven, time and again, to be Faithful ...." I know Whom i have believed, and am persuaded that He is Able to Keep that which i've committed unto Him against that day!"
looking back ... counting blessings .... grab your crochet hook and make yet another Valentine ... perhaps you could tuck this one inside your Bible to remind you of how much you are loved and cherished by HIM!
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